6 Easy Closet Organizing Tips


There’s no denying how great it feels to walk into an organized closet, full of your favorite clothes and free of clutter. Your bedroom is a place where you should feel comfort and peace of mind, not stressed-out and overwhelmed.

An organized closet space contributes to a sense of clarity and positivity at the start of the day, helps you find what you need faster, and keeps items clear from living spaces and stored neatly away. While tackling a closet organization project might seem intimidating, we have a few simple organizing hacks that put together can make a huge difference.

Easily lower stress and increase productivity with these professional tips for an organized closet:

Always Start with a Quick De-Clutter

Take a couple of minutes to go through the items in your closet and consider what could be donated. Collect a pile of clothes that no longer fit, haven’t been worn in 2-5 years, or that just aren’t your style anymore. To stay on top of this, a good rule of thumb is to do a quick de-clutter when switching over to a new season. This way, you’ll stay on top of clutter before it gets too out of control!

Invest in Matching Hangers

It might seem over the top at first, but trust us when we say that quality, matching hangers are worth the investment! Matching hangers create a streamlined look while also saving you space. The right type of hanger can actually extend the lifespan of your clothes by keeping them in the right shape and preventing them from sagging. Slim velvet hangers are a great option for everyday clothes. Wood or cedar hangers are best for special occasion items, like suits and jackets. Pro tip: Make sure all your clothes are hung facing the same way!

Matching hangers save space and reduce visual clutter

Use Clothing Rack Dividers

Clothing rack dividers (yup, just like the ones in the store!) are perfect for organizing clothes by size. You might try this in a baby or kid’s closet for quick and easy access to items that might otherwise have you digging around. Or, use them in a master closet to keep things organized by type, season, or size. When everything has a proper home, laundry day is a breeze and you save time putting together outfits or packing for trips. 

Display your Favorite Handbags and Shoes

Not sure what to do with those hard to reach spots? Instead of stuffing something way up on a tall shelf to be forgotten, take a pair of your favorite heels and put them on display. Not only is this more visually appealing, but your favorites are ready-to-wear with a quick grab (and maybe a step stool).

Use risers to display your favorite purses, handbags or shoes

Use Fabric Drawer Dividers

Drawer organization is notoriously difficult, especially when you have a lot of clothes. But an organized drawer saves hours of hassle and helps keep wrinkles and missing socks to a minimum. And all it takes is the simple drawer hack of adding fabric drawer dividers. Dividers are a great addition to your closet organizing system to keep small items like socks and underwear tidy and easy to find. No more mismatched sock days. Unless you want to, of course.

Try File Folding

It is very tempting to throw clothes inside a drawer, close it up, and forget. File folding your clothes takes a bit more effort than a classic fold, but we promise it has major advantages. There are many different file folding methods, but the goal is always the same. The clothes you fold stay that way because you can see everything in your drawer with a glance. No more digging through the top layer or forgetting about the items underneath. The time and effort it takes to be more mindful about folding your clothes is worth it, trust us.

File folding keeps things organized and makes it easy to see

You’ve got enough going on - your closet shouldn’t make life harder. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the clutter and confusion of your closet, don’t stress out! All it takes to start making your closet a functional space are these easy closet hacks. Try these out, relax a bit, and focus on being productive where it matters.